Human Design is a system of self discovery!

Specific to birth information Human Design gives a map of how you are configured energetically. The information in this map or this ‘Bodygraph’ is unique to you. It explains your behavior, your impulses and your gifts and talents. It gives insight into how you are wired psychologically and what it is you are ‘broadcasting’ out into the world. It describes the purpose of your life and the role that it is you play within the totality.

Human Design is practical, not only does the Bodygraph describe your energy it also explains how you get conditioned to get in the way of your energy expressing itself correctly. A reading outlines the practical steps you need to take to realign with your energy enabling you to live in a way that is correct for you. Discovering and implementing your unique decision making process dethrones the authority the mind has assumed and brings you into a more embodied way of living the life you were born to live.

Human Design is known as ‘The Science of differentiation’. We come from a homogenized world, a conditioned world that has very clear codes of behavior of what is, and is not acceptable. This affects each one of us into believing there is a correct way to think and behave to find happiness, success, belonging and fulfillment. We want to fit in but we want to find ourselves too.  Our minds become conditioned and confused. And the tragedy of what happens in this process; we lose touch with who we really are! What we want gets lost under a jumble of fearful neurotic thinking and at the root of that is the belief that somehow we are not measuring up, not quite doing what it is we think we should and frightened that we are not tapping the full potential of ourselves and therefore missing out on the life and happiness we could be experiencing.

Human Design in its intelligence, sophistication and practicality can in fact liberate us from the doubts and confusion many of us feel to be more at home with ourselves and how our lives are unfolding.

What exactly is the Human Design System?

Human Design is a synthesis of 8 different systems, ancient esoteric and modern scientific.

It is very new on the planet, it was ‘downloaded’ or ‘heard’ by a Canadian man on the Island of Ibiza in 1987. It is an incredibly complex and nuanced system that includes;

  • The Planets of Astrology
  • The Hexagrams of the IChing
  • The Centres of the Hindu Chakra system
  • The Channels of the Kabbalah
  • Biochemistry, Genetics & Quantum Physics.

Ra Uru Hu (or Robert Krakower) was the messenger of the Human Design system. His encounter with the ‘voice’ that gave him this knowledge was a fascinating mystical experience that defies understanding. The system was given to him in 1987 and he spent the next 20 years teaching this knowledge around the world before his death in 2011. The account of the experience he had can be seen on youtube here.

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Here you can see a short interview with me at a local restaurant:

There is an abundance of information about Human Design on the internet, not all of it is accurate, please contact me if you want advise on where to read more about it, or ask me any questions you may have.